Content Service

The content service manages the ingestion and playback of video content.

Summary: Get the ad definition for the specified item
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      GET /services/content/v1/ad/[slug]


Use this API to get the ad definition for the specified item. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
break_id string An identifier used to group ad breaks together.
time_offset string Specifies when the ad occurs. Can be “start”, “end”, or a time offset, e.g. “00:05:12.744”
override_ad_tag string The VAST tag that overwrites the default VAST tag. If this is null the default VAST tag is used.


Request the Ad Definition for Film 71

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a95b58722d5ac829ba3db8a79bbc24f'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Update the ad definition for the specified item
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      PUT /services/content/v1/ad/[slug]


Use this API to update the ad definition for the specified item. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
break_id string An identifier used to group ad breaks together.
time_offset string Specifies when the ad occurs. Can be “start”, “end”, or a time offset, e.g. “00:05:12.744”
override_ad_tag string The VAST tag that overwrites the default VAST tag. If this is null the default VAST tag is used.

Response Parameters

Returns Ad Definition


Update the Ad Definition for Film 71

curl -i '' \
-X PUT \
-H 'x-auth-token: 1a95b58722d5ac829ba3db8a79bbc24f' \
-H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
--data-binary '[{  

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Request the VMAP for the specified item
Authentication: None
                      GET /services/content/v1/ad/vmap/[slug]


Use this API to get the VMAP 1.0 response for the specified item. The VMAP 1.0 response is XML that specifies when ads should be played along with the associated VAST tag.

Response Parameters

Refer to the IAB VMAP Specification.


Request the VMAP for Film 71

curl -i ''

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vmap:VMAP xmlns:vmap="" version="1.0">
  <vmap:AdBreak timeOffset="start" breakType="linear" breakId="preroll">
    <vmap:AdSource id="preroll-ad-1" allowMultipleAds="false" followRedirects="true">
      <vmap:AdTagURI templateType="vast3">

Response: No Ads

HttpStatus: 200
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vmap:VMAP xmlns:vmap="" version="1.0"/>
Summary: Request content configuration settings
Authentication: None
                      GET /services/content/configuration


Use this API to get the configuration settings for the Configuration service.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
rental_redeem_period string The number of days that an item is rented for.
base_download_url string The base path to use to download content.
base_url string The base path to use for streaming content.
chromecast string Set to false if Chromecast is disabled, otherwise Chromecast is enabled.
telemetry_freq string Frequency, in seconds, to send the telemetry data. Default is 30 seconds.


Content Configuration Request

curl -i ''

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
Summary: Request admin configuration settings
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      GET /services/content/v1/configuration/private


Use this API to get the configuration settings that can be changed by an administrator. These configuration settings may include private settings that are only visible to administrators. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
rental_redeem_period number The number of days that an item is rented for.
default_vast string The default VAST URL tag used for video ads.


Admin Configuration Request

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 7e628644bf631464bcf68575bcd8f89e'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Update admin configuration settings
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      PATCH /services/content/v1/configuration/private


Use this API to update the configuration settings for the site. These configuration settings may include private settings that are only visible to administrators. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
rental_redeem_period number Optional. The number of days that an item is rented for.
default_vast string Optional. The default VAST URL tag used for video ads.

Response Parameters

Returns Configuration (Admin).


Admin Configuration Request

curl -i '' \
  -X PATCH \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{ "rental_redeem_period":4 }'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Key Doesn’t Exist

HttpStatus: 400
  "error":"Bad request, request contains invalid key."

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Get the ingestion profiles
Authentication: None, X-Auth Admin
                      GET /services/content/ingestion/v3/profiles


Use this API to get a list of ingestion profiles that can be used when ingesting content. If this API is called with an admin auth-token, then all available ingestion profiles are returned, otherwise only the public ingestion profiles are returned.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
name string The internal name of the profile.
friendly_name string The name of the profile.
description string Description of what the profile does.
default bool Set to true if this is the default profile.


Get the Ingestion Profiles

curl -i ''

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
        "name": "adaptive",
        "friendly_name": "HD",
        "description": "High definition encoding",
        "default": true
        "name": "trailer_full",
        "friendly_name": "Trailer",
        "description": "creates a trailer",
        "default": true
        "name": "adaptive_sd",
        "friendly_name": "SD",
        "description": "Standard definition encoding",
        "default": false
Summary: Get the uploaded source files
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      GET /services/content/ingestion/v3/source


Use this API to get a list of source files that have been uploaded in to the S3 bucket. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters


Parameter Type Description
Key string The name of the file.
LastModified string The ISO 8601 time and date the file was last updated.
Size number The size of the file in bytes.
Bucket string The name of the S3 bucket.


Parameter Type Description
friendly_name string Deprecated. The name of the profile.
description string Deprecated. Description of what the profile does.
name string Deprecated. The internal name of the profile.


Get the Source Files

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401

Response: Forbidden

HttpStatus: 403
Summary: Start an ingestion job
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      POST /services/content/ingestion/v3/start_job


Use this API to start an ingestion job for the specified item. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
source string The location of the source file to be ingested in the following formats:
s3://bucket name/file name
https://public-site/video.mp4[?optional signature]
source_region string Optional. The AWS S3 Region of the S3 bucket where the source file is stored. This is only required if the bucket location can not be automatically determined.

Required. if the source is an https url then the source location is the geographic location that the encoding will be processed in.
base_filename string Used in the name of the ingested file.
profile string The profile to use in this ingestion job. Contact us for a list of profiles as these are specific to your setup.
notify_id string The slug of the film or TV show and season.

Supported Source Regions

Region Name
us-east-1 North Virginia
us-east-2 Ohio
us-west-1 North California
us-west-2 Oregon
ca-central-1 Central Canada
ap-northeast-1 Tokyo
ap-northeast-2 Seoul
ap-south-1 Mumbai
ap-southeast-1 Singapore
ap-southeast-2 Sydney
eu-central-1 Frankfurt
eu-west-1 Ireland
eu-west-2 London
sa-east-1 Sao Paulo
ap-northeast-1 Tokyo

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id string The unique ID of the ingestion job.
encoder_job_id string The unique ID provided by the encoder.


Start an Ingestion Job for Film 118

curl -i '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{
    "source_region": "ap-southeast-2",

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Access to the File is Forbidden

HttpStatus: 403

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Request information to download content
Authentication: X-Auth, X-Play
                      GET /services/content/v4/media_content/download/[slug]


Use this API to get the download links for the specified item and encoding type. This API authenticates using either an x-auth-token or an x-play-token which is returned via the Play Token API. This API differs from the Play API in that it will return a download link if the film is in pre-sale.

The supported encoding_type fields depend on the ingestion profile used. DASH encoding_type is used for browsers that support MPEG-DASH and this is currently Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer 11 and native iOS and Android apps. Download encoding_type is for legacy iOS and Android apps that support downloading content. MP4 encoding_type can be used to get an unencrypted file.

Alternatively, the information can be requested by specifying the type of DRM. Widevine is used in Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Internet Explorer 10. PlayReady is used in in Edge and Internet Explorer 11. Fairplay is used in Safari.

If both encoding_type and drm are specified drm takes preference.

Query String Request Parameters

Parameter Description
encoding_type Request the specific encoding type. Options are: dash, stream, download, mp4, dash_live.
drm Request the specific drm type. Options are: widevine, playready, fairplay, none.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
ad_tag string Optional. A VAST tag for advertising. This is only included if the video has ads scheduled to play.
play_session string X-Play-Session token that’s used when reporting Telemetry. This will be the same as the x-play-token when requests use x-play-token to authenticate.
streams[url] string The url to the media content.
streams[width] number The width of the media content.
streams[height] number The height of the media content.
streams[bitrate] number The bitrate of the media content.
streams[encoding_type] string The type of encoding used on the media content.
streams[drm_key_encoded] string The DRM key of the media content.
playback_progress[last_played_at] string The ISO 8601 date and time when the content was last viewed.
playback_progress[length] number Length of the content.
playback_progress[play_position] number The last position, in seconds, where the content was viewed.


Request the DASH Download Information for Film 71 Using Auth Token

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 023644c4043e76f4cb8cef015d22b4ad'

Response: DASH Success for Film 71 Using Auth Token

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401

Response: Forbidden - User Doesn’t Own Film

HttpStatus: 403
  "error":"The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. Unlike a 401 Unauthorized response, authenticating will make no difference."
Summary: Get media content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      GET /services/content/v3/media_content/[slug]


Use this API to get the media content for the specified item. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id number The unique media content ID.
media_owner_id number The media content ID that this item belongs to.
film_id number The unique ID of the film.
tv_id number The unique ID of the TV show.
season number The season number of the TV show.
episode number The episode number of the TV season.
created_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was created.
updated_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was last updated.
available_from string The date and time when the content is available to view.
client_id number Deprecated. This is no longer used.
bonus number The bonus number that relates to the film or TV Season.
requires_pin_code boolean Boolean indicating whether the user should be prompted for their Pin code before purchasing/renting/playing.

Response Parameters - Media Encoding Attributes

Parameter Type Description
id number The unique media encoding ID.
content_encoding_id string The type of media encoding.
drm_id number The type of DRM used. 0 = no DRM, 2 = Widevine.
drm_key string The DRM key of the media content.
location string The location of the media content. This needs to be appended to base_url to get the full path to the media content.
width number The width of the media content.
height number The height of the media content.
bitrate number The bitrate of the media content.
is_live bool Determines if this media content is live.
updated_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was last updated.
created_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was created.

Content Encoding Types

Status Description
hd_stream The streams used for the flash player. There may be two items in this set, one for SD and one for HD.
hd_dash The stream used for the DASH player.
hd_download The file that can be downloaded.
hd_trailer The trailer.


Get the Media Content for Film 92

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
    "requires_pin_code": true,

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Delete media content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      DELETE /services/content/v4/media_content/[slug]


Use this API to delete media content from the specified item. Note that providing the slug ‘/tv/1’ will delete all the seasons, episodes and any bonus content. It will also remove the related records in Media Encodings and User Library. Providing the slug /tv/1/season/1 will remove all the episodes for a season and so on. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.


Delete Bonus Content 1 from Film 92

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 204

Response: Error - Media Content Doesn’t Exist

HttpStatus: 404
  "error":"No media content to remove for provided slug"

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Update media content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      PUT /services/content/v3/media_content/[slug]


Use this API to update the media content records for the specified item. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

The same as the Media Content data.

Response Parameters

Returns Media Content.


Create Media Content Records for Film 92

curl -i '' \
  -X PUT \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{
      "requires_pin_code": false,

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
    "requires_pin_code": false,


Response: Error - Media Content Not Supplied

HttpStatus: 422
  "error":"No media_content"

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Request information to play content
Authentication: X-Auth, X-Play
                      GET /services/content/v4/media_content/play/[slug]


Use this API to get the play links for the specified item and encoding type. This API authenticates using either an x-auth-token or an x-play-token which is returned via the Play Token API.

The supported encoding_type fields depend on the ingestion profile used. DASH encoding_type is used for browsers that support MPEG-DASH and this is currently Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer 11 and native iOS and Android apps. Download encoding_type is for legacy iOS and Android apps that support downloading content. MP4 encoding_type can be used to get an unencrypted file.

Alternatively, the information can be requested by specifying the type of DRM. Widevine is used in Chrome, Opera, Firefox and Internet Explorer 10. PlayReady is used in in Edge and Internet Explorer 11. Fairplay is used in Safari.

If both encoding_type and drm are specified drm takes preference.

Query String Request Parameters

Parameter Description
encoding_type Request the specific encoding type. Options are: dash, stream, download, mp4, dash_live.
drm Request the specific drm type. Options are: widevine, playready, fairplay, none.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
ad_tag string Optional. A VAST tag for advertising. This is only included if the video has ads scheduled to play.
play_session string X-Play-Session token that’s used when reporting Telemetry. This will be the same as the x-play-token when requests use x-play-token to authenticate.
streams[url] string The url to the media content.
streams[width] number The width of the media content.
streams[height] number The height of the media content.
streams[bitrate] number The bitrate of the media content.
streams[encoding_type] string The type of encoding used on the media content.
streams[drm_key_encoded] string The DRM key of the media content.
playback_progress[last_played_at] string The ISO 8601 date and time when the content was last viewed.
playback_progress[length] number Length of the content.
playback_progress[play_position] number The last position, in seconds, where the content was viewed.


Request the DASH Play Information for Film 71 Using Auth Token

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 023644c4043e76f4cb8cef015d22b4ad'

Request the DASH Play Information for TV 2, Season 1, Episode 1 Using Play Token

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-play-token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c3IiOjEsInVpZCI6IlNISUZUNzIiLCJleHAiOjE0NjgwMzczMTIsImNpZCI6Miwic2x1ZyI6Ii9maWxtLzUyIn0.LaPLncFTncOXRyCUcSseV_OgKjVHNYB74Xdy8_LSGgs'

Response: DASH Success for Film 71 Using Auth Token

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401

Response: Forbidden - User Doesn’t Own Film

HttpStatus: 403
  "error":"The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. Unlike a 401 Unauthorized response, authenticating will make no difference."
Summary: Request a play token for content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      POST /services/playback/user/external/play_token/[slug]


Use this API to get the play token for the specified item. Returns a JWT that allows an external user to play content hosted on Shift72’s platform.

As these tokens are for external users, no ownership, device limits, or region checks will be done. You need to ensure that the recipient is allowed to play this content before giving them a token.

You must provide an expiry time for the token, no more than 24 hours in the future. After a token has expired, attempts to start playback or perform license checks will fail and a new token will be required.

This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
usr string Required. User id to associate with the play token. This can be the user id from an external system.
exp string Required. The ISO 8601 time and date that the play token will expire and cease to function. This is encoded in the JWT response as Unix Time, i.e. the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight Thursday, 1 January 1970.
uid string Optional. Text to overlay as a watermark over the playback experience.
olv string Optional. The position and placement of the any text specified by the uid parameter. Two options are available: apple displays the text in a different corner for 20 seconds at a time. Every 15 minutes the corner used is changed. og displays the text permanently on the left edge of the video.

Adding additional claims to the token

You can add extra information such as an external ID, age, or gender property so that you can track those demographics via the telemetry requests.

Additional properties in the request body will be included as claims in the token, provided that they meet the following criteria:

  • Are a JSON string, number or boolean. Null values are not supported.
  • Do not have the same name as any Shift72 claims. Using a naming prefix for your claims will avoid potential conflicts.

Any invalid claims will not be included in the token.

Response Parameters

Returns a JWT including the following claims and any valid additional claims included in the request.

Claim Type Description
exp number The expiration time for this token as a Unix timestamp
iat number The issued at time for this token as a Unix timestamp
cid number Your Shift72 client ID
slug string Identifies the Shift72 media item being played
usr string The external user ID you provided
olv string Optional The overlay style. apple or og`
uid string Optional Text to display on the overlay watermark

The playtoken includes other claims for Shift72’s internal use and must not be relied on.


Request a Play Token for Film 71

curl -i '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'x-auth-token: a1e5404cc31a3e09d1b6d2f9d4130c4b' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{  

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401

Response: Forbidden - Content Doesn’t Belong to Client

HttpStatus: 403
  "error":"content does not belong to client"
Summary: Get all streams for content
Authentication: X-Auth, X-Play
                      GET /services/content/v4/media_content/streams/[slug]


Use this API to get the collection of stream URLs for the specified item and encoding type, as well as site-specific config settings and an individual’s progress for the item. It is intended as a single source of information for a particular content item.

This API authenticates using either an x-auth-token or an x-play-token which is returned via the Play Token API.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
play_session string X-Play-Session token that’s used when reporting Telemetry. This will be the same as the x-play-token when requests use x-play-token to authenticate.
playback_progress[last_played_at] string The ISO 8601 date and time when the content was last viewed.
playback_progress[length] number Length of the content.
playback_progress[play_position] number The last position, in seconds, where the content was viewed.
streams[url] string The url to the media content.
streams[width] number The width of the media content.
streams[height] number The height of the media content.
streams[bitrate] number The bitrate of the media content.
streams[encoding_type] string The type of encoding used on the media content.
streams[drm_key_encoded] string The DRM key of the media content.
streams[drm_type] array List of supported DRM policies supported by this stream. Supported values are ‘widevine’, ‘playready’, ‘fairplay’ or none.
timings array If enabled, a list of timing events associated with this content, grouped by timing category.
ad_tag string URL to VMAP for video advertising. This is only included if the video has ads scheduled to play.
config string List of config options and feature toggles pertaining to the streaming of content.


Get the Media Content for Film 92

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
  "play_session": "eyJ1c3IiOjk0NiwiY2lkIjoxOSwibWlkIjo0NzAsImdlbyI6Im56IiwiYWdlIjpudWxsLCJnaWQiOm51bGwsInFpZCI6ImhkIiwic2x1ZyI6Ii90di8zNy9zZWFzb24vMS9lcGlzb2RlLzEiLCJleHAiOjE1NzQyMTQ4MDN9.CkkR5N7NHZO1NKbYKqCdEsd45qcXRPML5q2MEYh9-ho",
  "playback_progress": {
    "play_position": 0,
    "length": 114,
    "last_played_at": "2017-10-10T00:40:05.617Z"
  "streams": [
      "url": "",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 576,
      "bitrate": 1990,
      "encoding_type": "hls",
      "drm_key_encoded": null,
      "drm_type": [
      "url": "",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 576,
      "bitrate": 1990,
      "encoding_type": "hd_dash",
      "drm_key_encoded": "YWFjNTZiMTQtYjk5ZC00YabcdefgWItNGVmNTQ0OWI5N2YxX0hE\n",
      "drm_type": [
  "timings": {
    "skip_to": [],
    "moment": [],
    "end_of_play": [
        "label": "Watch next episode",
        "time": 1643,
        "action": "next"
  "ad_tag": "https://store.shift72.local/services/content/v1/ad/vmap/film/92",
  "config": {
    "streams_api_enabled": true,
    "base_download_url": "",
    "base_url": "",
    "chromecast": "true",
    "default_availability_period_days": "30",
    "disallow_blocked_content": "Please turn off Ad-Blocker to enjoy this amazing content free of charge.",
    "encoding_profile_hd": "avod_profile_1",
    "encoding_profile_sd": "_",
    "feature_ads": "true",
    "ingestion_manager_version": "3",
    "mp4_fallback": "true",
    "platform_type": "avod",
    "rental_redeem_period": "7"

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401

Response: Forbidden - User Doesn’t Own Film

HttpStatus: 403
  "error":"The request was a valid request, but the server is refusing to respond to it. Unlike a 401 Unauthorized response, authenticating will make no difference."
Summary: Create a Screener with a Watermark
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      POST /services/content/ingestion/v1/screener


Use this API to start an ingestion job to create a screener for the specified item. A screener is a file that has the specified watermark and can be downloaded as an MP4 file without DRM encryption. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
slug string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
text string The text to be displayed as the watermark.
direction string Optional. The direction of the text. Can be “right”, “left”, “up”, or “down”. Default is “right”.
x string The x position of the text. Can also be “centered”. A negative number can be used to right align the text.
y string The x position of the text. Can also be “centered”. A negative number can be used to align the text from the bottom of the screen.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
token string The unique ID of the ingestion job.
status string The overall status of the ingestion job. Can be one of: “in_progress”, “completed”, or “errored”.


Create a Screener for Film 118

curl -i '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{
    "slug": "/film/118",
    "text": "Watermark Sample",
    "direction": "right",
    "x": "centered",
    "y": "centered"

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Invalid JSON

HttpStatus: 400
  "error":"request body invalid",

Response: Access to the API is Forbidden

HttpStatus: 403

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Create a Signed URL to the Screener
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      POST /services/content/ingestion/v1/screener/[token]/url?timelimit=[time]


Use this API to create a signed URL to download the screener for the specified item. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Query String Request Parameters

Parameter Description
timeout The number of minutes that the signed URL will be valid for.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
url string The URL to the file to be downloaded.


Create a Signed URL That’s Valid for 10 Minutes

curl -i '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Access to the API is Forbidden

HttpStatus: 403

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: List the possible S3 buckets to upload to.
Authentication: None
                      GET /services/content/ingestion/v1/upload_buckets


Use this API to view the list of possible S3 buckets that the file can be uploaded to.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
aws_region string The AWS S3 Region where the bucket is located .
aws_bucket string The name of the AWS S3 bucket.
name string A user friendly display name of the AWS S3 bucket and region.


View the Upload Buckets

curl -i ''

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
      "name":"US West"
Summary: Invitation to upload content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      POST /services/content/ingestion/v1/upload_invite


Use this API to send an invite for someone to upload media content. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
email_address string Optional. The email address to send the invitation to.
ingest_on_completion bool Set to true if the ingestion job should start once the upload is completed.
ingestion_profile string The profile to use in this ingestion job.
item_title string Title of the media content.
slug string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
publish_after_ingestion bool Set to true if the ingestion job should auto publish the content when the ingestion is completed.

Response Parameters

Returns Upload Invite.


Send an Upload Invitation

curl -i '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{  
     "item_title":"King Lear",

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
   "item_title":"Everybody Wants Some",

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: View the invitations that have been sent
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      GET /services/content/ingestion/v1/upload_invite?item=[slug]


Use this API to view the invitations that have been sent for the media content. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
aws_region string The AWS S3 Region that the file was uploaded to.
completed number This percentage of the file that has been uploaded.
file_key string The name of the file stored in the S3 bucket.
invite_claimed string The ISO 8601 UTC date and time that the invite was claimed by the invitee.
invite_completed string The ISO 8601 UTC date and time that the file was successfully uploaded.
invite_sent string The ISO 8601 UTC date and time that the invitation was sent.
item_title string Title of the media content.
last_chunk_uploaded string The ISO 8601 UTC date and time that the most recent part of the file was uploaded.
slug string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
status string This will be set to “invited”, “claimed” or “completed”.
token string The upload token.
upload_id string S3 ID.


View the Upload Invitations for Film 72

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 15ee139195e16f0d4b40338aabc191f3'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
      "item_title":"Everybody Wants Some",
      "item_title":"Everybody Wants Some",
      "item_title":"Everybody Wants Some",

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Delete an invitation
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      DELETE /services/content/ingestion/v1/upload_invite/[token]


Use this API to delete an upload invite. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.


Delete an Upload Invitation

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 15ee139195e16f0d4b40338aabc191f3'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401

Response: Token Doesn’t Exist

HttpStatus: 404
   "error":"Could not find invitation"
Summary: View the status of an invitation
Authentication: None
                      GET /services/content/ingestion/v1/upload_invite/[token]


Use this API to view the status of an invitation.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
status string This will be set to “invited”, “claimed”, “uploading” or “completed”.
item_title string Title of the media content.
upload_id string S3 ID.
slug string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
url string URL to the S3 bucket.
auth string S3 authentication details.
file string Information about the file being uploaded.


Get the Upload Information for the Given Token

curl -i ''

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
   "item_title":"Example Film",
      "file_name":"Example Film 140730",
      "file_chunks_uploaded":[  ]

Response: Token Not Found

HttpStatus: 404
  "error": "Could not find invitation"
Summary: Remove a registered device for the specified user
Authentication: X-Auth
                      DELETE /services/content/v1/user_devices/[device_id]


Use this API to deregister a device from a user.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
device_id string Required. The unique ID or the registered device to remove.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
success string A message that provides more information about the request.
error string A message that provides more information about the error.


Remove a Device for User 693

curl -i '' \
	-H 'x-auth-token: 37966929704a98d1a28971430ae5f2ab' \
	-H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
	--data-binary '{"device_id":"116152b3-ec95-4a63-94be-be57c5a2f355"}'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
	"success":"removed device"

Response: Invalid Device ID

HttpStatus: 422
	"error":"no device with that id"

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401

Response: Delete limit reached

HttpStatus: 403
	"error": "delete limit reached"
Summary: Get registered devices for a user
Authentication: X-Auth
                      GET /services/content/v1/user_devices/[user_id]


Use this API to get a list of registered devices for a user. This API is not currently used but may be used in the future when limitations on the number of registered devices are required.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id number Deprecated. This is no longer used.
device_id string Unique ID given to this registered device.
friendly_name string Friendly name for the user to identify this device.
account_id number The user’s unique ID.
start_ownership_range string The ISO 8601 time and date the device was registered against this account.
end_ownership_range string The ISO 8601 time and date the device was deregistered from this account.
created_at string Deprecated. This is no longer used.
updated_at string Deprecated. This is no longer used.
device_type string The type of device, e.g. “ipad”, “android”
can_delete boolean Whether the user is able to delete this device
days_until_next_delete number If applicable, how many days the user will need to delete until the device is able to be deleted

Currently the values for can_delete and days_until_next_delete (if present) will be the identical across all devices for the user.


Get the Registered Devices for User 5769

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 980d099188d97f8e213ec9d6a4660b78'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
      "friendly_name":"My iPad",
      "can_delete": false,
      "days_until_next_delete": 3
      "friendly_name":"My droid",
      "device_type":"Android Phone",
      "can_delete": false,
      "days_until_next_delete": 3

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Request the items in the user's library
Authentication: X-Auth
                      GET /services/content/v3/user_library/[user_id]/index


Use this API to get the items in the specified user’s library.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
item string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
info[expiry] string The date and time when the content is no longer available to the user.
info[quality] string The quality. This will either be “hd” or “sd”.
info[available_from] string The date and time when the content is available to view.
info[playback_start] string The date and time when the playback started.
info[playback_end] string The date and time when the playback will end and can no longer be viewed. This is used in the scenario where the user has x days to start watching and y hours to finish watching once started.
info[film_id] number The unique ID of the film.
info[bonus] number The bonus number that relates to the film or TV Season.
info[tv_id] number The unique ID of the TV show.
info[season] number The season number of the TV show.
info[episode] number The episode number of the TV season.
playback_progress[completed] bool True if the content has been fully watched.
playback_progress[last_played_at] string The date and time when the content was last viewed.
playback_progress[length] number Length of the content.
playback_progress[play_position] number The last position, in seconds, where the content was viewed.


Request the Library for User 693

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 023644c4043e76f4cb8cef015d22b4ad'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Get the user's library as an administrator
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      GET /services/content/v3/user_library/admin/[user_id]/index


Use this API if you are an administrator and want to get the user library of a specific user. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id number The unique library ID.
expiry string The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the content expires. Set to null if the item never expires.
playback_start string The date and time when the playback started.
playback_end string The date and time when the playback will end and can no longer be viewed. This is used in the scenario where the user has x days to start watching and y hours to finish watching once started.
created_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was added to the user’s library.
order_id number The order ID that was used to make the purchase. If zero, then it was added by an administrator.
quality string The quality. This will either be “hd” or “sd”.
ownership string The ownership type, i.e. “buy” or “rent”.
media_content_id number The unique ID of the media content.
film_id number The unique ID of the film.
tv_id number The unique ID of the TV show.
season number The season number of the TV show.
episode number The episode number of the TV season.
bonus number The bonus number that relates to the film or TV Season.
available_from string The date and time when the content is available to view.


Request the Library for User 693

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Add an item to the user's library
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      POST /services/content/v2/user_library/admin/[user_id]/create


Use this API if you are an administrator and want to add an item to a user’s library. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
item string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
account_id number The user’s unique ID.
order_id number The order ID that was used to make the purchase. If zero, then it was added by an administrator.
quality string Deprecated. This will always be hd.
ownership string The ownership type, i.e. “buy” or “rent”.
expiry string The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the content expires. Set to null if the item never expires.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
item string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
account_id number The user’s unique ID.
order_id number The order ID that was used to make the purchase. If zero, then it was added by an administrator.
quality string Deprecated. This will always be hd.
ownership string The ownership type, i.e. “buy” or “rent”.
expiry string The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the content expires. Set to null if the item never expires.
client_id number Deprecated. This is no longer used.


Add Film 91 to the Library of User 5769

curl -i '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{"library_item":{"item":"/film/91","account_id":5769,"order_id":0,"quality":"hd","ownership":"rent","expiry":"2015-06-16T03:22:02.338Z"}}'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Invalid ID

HttpStatus: 422
  "error":"No library item found for provided id"

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Delete an item from the user's library
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      DELETE /services/content/v2/user_library/admin/[library_id]/destroy


Use this API if you are an administrator and want to remove an item from a user’s library. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
success bool Deprecated. This is no longer used.
error string A message that provides more information about the error.


Remove the Item From the User’s Library with ID 67475

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8d0d'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Invalid ID

HttpStatus: 422
  "error":"No library item found for provided id"

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Timing events for media content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      GET /services/content/v1/timings/[slug]


Use this API to select all the timing records for the media content associated with the slug. These can be used by the player UI to display elements for users to interact with. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id number The ID of the record.
category string One of either skip_to, moment or end_of_play.
label string Text to display to the user.
time number Time, in seconds, when this event should occur. Fractions of seconds are accepted, e.g. 750.2.
action string (end_of_play events only) The preferred action at the end of the content. Valid values are next, for the next episode in a TV season, recommendations, library or a content slug.
destination number (skip_to events only) Time to skip to if the user interacts with the timing event.
duration number (skip_to events only) Time the event should last.


Request the Timings for Film 130

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 023644c4043e76f4cb8cef015d22b4ad'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
    "type": "end_of_play",
    "label": "Watch the next episode",
    "action": "next",
    "time": 3600
    "id": 24,
    "type": "moment",
    "label": "Steve falls over",
    "time": 2500.25
    "id": 25,
    "type": "moment",
    "label": "Steve falls over again",
    "time": 2508.25
    "id": 28,
    "type": "skip_to",
    "label": "Skip intro",
    "time": 600,
    "duration": 15,
    "destination": 630

Response: Record Doesn’t Exist

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Missing matching media content record",
        "code": "missing_media_content_record"

Response: Forbidden

HttpStatus: 403
    "error": {
        "error": "Not permitted",
        "code": "not_permitted"
Summary: Add a timing event for media content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      POST /services/content/v1/timings/[slug]


Use this API to create a new timing event for the media content associated with the slug. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
category string One of either skip_to, moment or end_of_play.
time number Time, in seconds, when this event should occur. Fractions of seconds are accepted, e.g. 750.2.
label string Text to display to the user.
action string (end_of_play events only) The preferred action at the end of the content. Valid values are next, for the next episode in a TV season, recommendations, library or a content slug.
destination number (skip_to events only) Time to skip to if the user interacts with the timing event.
duration number (skip_to events only) Time the event should last.

Response Parameters

Returns Timings.


Add a Timing for Film 130

curl -i '' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8xyd' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{"category": "moment", "time": 30, "label": "Check this out"}'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
  "id": 1,
  "category": "moment",
  "time": 30,
  "label": "Check this out"

Response: Forbidden

HttpStatus: 403
    "error": {
        "error": "Not permitted",
        "code": "not_permitted"

Response: Slug Doesn’t Exist

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Missing matching media content record",
        "code": "missing_media_content_record"

Response: Missing Category

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Category can't be blank",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Time

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Time is not a number",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Time Isn’t a Positive Number

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Time must be greater than or equal to 0",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Label

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Label can't be blank",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Action (end_of_play Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Action can't be blank",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Unsupported Action (end_of_play Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Action Unsupported action or slug",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Destination (skip_to Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Destination is not a number",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Destination Isn’t a Positive Number (skip_to only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Destination must be greater than 0",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Duration (skip_to Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Duration is not a number",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Duration Isn’t a Positive Number (skip_to Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Duration must be greater than 0",
        "code": "add_error"
Summary: Delete a timing event from media content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      DELETE /services/content/v1/timings/[id]


Use this API to delete a pre-existing timing event. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.


Delete a Timing for ID 19

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8xyd'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 204

Response: Record Doesn’t Exist

HttpStatus: 404
    "error": {
        "error": "Timing record not found",
        "code": "record_not_found"

Response: Forbidden

HttpStatus: 403
    "error": {
        "error": "Not permitted",
        "code": "not_permitted"
Summary: Update a timing event for media content
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                      PUT /services/content/v1/timings/[id]


Use this API to update a pre-existing timing event. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Request Parameters

The same as the Timings Create request.

Response Parameters

Returns Timings.


Update a Timing for ID 19

curl -i '' \
  -X PUT \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a1f4363bac4df5ba34758945fae8xyd' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{"category": "moment", "time": 60, "label": "Check this out now!"}'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
  "id": 19,
  "category": "moment",
  "time": 60,
  "label": "Check this out now!"

Response: Forbidden

HttpStatus: 403
    "error": {
        "error": "Not permitted",
        "code": "not_permitted"

Response: ID Doesn’t Exist

HttpStatus: 404
    "error": {
        "error": "Timing record not found",
        "code": "record_not_found"

Response: Missing Category

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Category can't be blank",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Time

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Time is not a number",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Time Isn’t a Positive Number

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Time must be greater than or equal to 0",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Label

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Label can't be blank",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Action (end_of_play Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Action can't be blank",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Unsupported Action (end_of_play Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Action Unsupported action or slug",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Destination (skip_to Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Destination is not a number",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Destination Isn’t a Positive Number (skip_to only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Destination must be greater than 0",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Missing Duration (skip_to Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Duration is not a number",
        "code": "add_error"

Response: Duration Isn’t a Positive Number (skip_to Only)

HttpStatus: 422
    "error": {
        "error": "Validation failed: Duration must be greater than 0",
        "code": "add_error"
Summary: Request the time when content can be played for a certain slug
Authentication: X-Auth, X-Auth-Admin
                  GET /services/content/v1/availabilities/[slug]


Use this API to get the availability dates for the specified item.

Unless the provided authentication token has admin permissions, only content marked as ‘published’ will be returned.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
available_from string The ISO 8601 UTC time that the content is available from.
available_to string The ISO 8601 UTC time that the content is available until.


Request Availability for Film 33

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a95b58722d5ac829ba3db8a79abc24f'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Slug not found

HttpStatus: 404
  "error":"Slug not found",
Summary: Request the time when content can be played for multiple films and TV seasons
Authentication: None
                  GET /services/content/v1/availabilities/?items=[slug],[slug]


Use this API to get the availability for the specified items. This is used to determine if an item can be watched now.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
item string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
available_from string The ISO 8601 UTC time that the content is available from.
ms_from number Number of milliseconds, at the time of request, until the content is available.
available_to string The ISO 8601 UTC time that the content is available until.
ms_to number Number of milliseconds, at the time of request, until the content is no longer available.
requires_pin_code boolean If PIN codes are enabled, indicates whether a user should be prompted for their PIN code before purchasing, renting, or watching this content
rental_duration_minutes number How long a user has access to an item once purchased/rented in minutes. If film/tv season doesn’t have a rental duration, then a site-wide duration will be applied. Episodes will have the same rental duration as the season or site-wide rental duration if the season doesn’t have a rental duration. The same goes for bonus contents.
rental_playback_duration_minutes number How long a user has access to an item once they click play in minutes. This is a site-wide setting.


Request Availability for Films 64 and 71

curl -i ',/film/71'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
    "requires_pin_code": true,
    "rental_duration_minutes": 240,
    "rental_playback_duration_minutes": 120
    "requires_pin_code": false,
    "rental_duration_minutes": 240,
    "rental_playback_duration_minutes": 120
Summary: Update the availability of content titles
Authentication: X-Auth-Admin
                  PUT /services/content/v1/availabilities/[slug]


Use this API to update the availability dates for the specified item.

If the cascade parameter is set to true, these dates will also be applied to any children items (i.e. a film’s bonus items; seasons, episodes and bonus items for a tv show; and all episodes for a tv season).

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Description
available_from string The ISO 8601 UTC time that the content is available from.
available_to string The ISO 8601 UTC time that the content is available until.
cascade boolean Indicates whether the availability dates should be applied to related content.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
available_from string The ISO 8601 UTC time that the content is available from.
available_to string The ISO 8601 UTC time that the content is available until.


Request Availability for Film 33

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 1a95b58722d5ac829ba3db8a79abc24f' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-binary '{"available_from": "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z", "available_to": "2025-12-31T23:59:59Z", "cascade": true }'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Request not authorised

HttpStatus: 401
  "error":"Request not authorised",
  "code": "request_not_authorised"

Response: Missing parameters

HttpStatus: 422
  "error":"Missing available_from",
  "code": "missing_available_from"
HttpStatus: 422
  "error":"Missing available_to",
  "code": "missing_available_to"

Response: available_from is after available_to

HttpStatus: 422
  "error":"Available from should be earlier than available to",
  "code": "available_from_after_available_to"

Response: Record not found

HttpStatus: 404
  "error":"Matching record not found",
  "code": "record_not_found"
Summary: Check if a specific version of an app is supported on the specified device
Authentication: None
                  GET /services/content/v1/devices/[device]/version/[ver_num]/check


This API is used by devices to check the status of their version to determine if they need to be updated. Currently the device can be either “ipad” or “android”.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
status string The supported status. See below for definitions.

Status Types

Status Description
blocked This version is no longer supported and must be updated.
request_update This version is supported but a newer update is available.
refresh This version is supported and will automatically refresh the meta data.
supported This version is supported.


Check Version 1.0.0 for iPad

curl -i ''

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
Summary: Get media encodings
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                  GET services/content/v2/media_encoding/index


Use this API to get the media encodings. This API is only accessible to users who have the admin role.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
id number The unique media encoding ID.
media_content_id number The ID of the media content.
content_encoding_id string The type of media encoding.
drm_id number The type of DRM used. 0 = no DRM, 2 = Widevine.
location string The location of the media content. This needs to be appended to base_url to get the full path to the media content.
width number The width of the media content.
height number The height of the media content.
bitrate number The bitrate of the media content.
drm_key string The DRM key of the media content.
file_size number The size of the file in bytes.
origin_url string The url of where the encoding output is stored.
is_live bool Determines if this media content is live.
updated_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was last updated.
created_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was created.


Get the Media Encodings

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: 111be3e60a6a236c875a014e30013748'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Request the playback progress for the user's account
Authentication: X-Auth
                  GET /services/content/v1/playback_progress/[user_id]


Use this API to get the playback progress for all of the user’s content. This is limited to the last 800 items watched.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
item string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
completed bool True if the content has been fully watched.
last_played_at string The ISO 8601 date and time when the content was last viewed.
length number Length of the content.
play_position number The last position, in seconds, where the content was viewed.


Request the Playback Progress for User 285

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: bcb58244a4a3112a11304d44fc7c7781'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200
    "play_position": 0,
    "length": 150,
    "item": "/tv/41/season/1/episode/2",
    "completed": false,
    "last_played_at": null
    "play_position": 0,
    "length": 50,
    "item": "/tv/32/season/1/episode/1",
    "completed": false,
    "last_played_at": "2016-04-05T02:02:40.108Z"
    "play_position": 150,
    "length": 150,
    "item": "/film/42",
    "completed": true,
    "last_played_at": "2016-02-26T02:35:26.631Z"

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Request the plans the user is subscribed to
Authentication: X-Auth
                  GET /services/content/v1/user_plans


Use this API to get the active plans the user is subscribed to.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
plan_id number The ID of the plan the user is subscribed to.
expiry string The ISO 8601 date and time when the plan expires.


Request the Plans the User is Subscribed to

curl -i '' \
  -H 'x-auth-token: e8c29251eb415ba4caa0e82ad062c488'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Request the plans a user is subscribed to
Authentication: X-Auth-Admin
                  GET /services/content/v1/user_plans/[user_id]


Use this API to get the plans a specified user is subscribed to.

Response Parameters

A list of plan objects containing the following attributes:

Parameter Type Description
plan_id number The ID of the plan the user is subscribed to.
expiry string The ISO 8601 date and time when the plan expires.

A plan which never expires will return an expiry with the value null.


Request the Plans a User is Subscribed to

curl -i '' \
	-H 'x-auth-token: e8c29251eb415ba4caa0e82ad062c488'

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401
Summary: Update a user's plans
Authentication: X-Auth Admin
                  POST /services/content/v1/user_plans/[user_id]


Use this API to update a list of plans which a user is subscribed to.

Request Parameters

A list of objects with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
plan_id number The ID of the plan to which the user should be subscribed.
expiry string TheISO 8601 date and time when the plan expires.

If the value of expiry is null, this is interpreted to mean the plan has no expiry date.

Response Parameters

A list of all the updated/created records, with the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
plan_id number The ID of the plan the user is subscribed to.
expiry string The ISO 8601 date and time when the plan expires.


Update the Plans the User is Subscribed to

curl -i '' \
	-H 'x-auth-token: e8c29251eb415ba4caa0e82ad062c4xx'
	--data-binary '[
		{ "plan_id: 39", "expiry": "2019-10-30T07:27:58.768Z" },
		{ "plan_id: 52", "expiry": null }

Response: Success

HttpStatus: 200

Response: Unauthorized

HttpStatus: 401