
Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations which subscribe to certain events from your SHIFT72 platform.

Summary: Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations which subscribe to certain events from your SHIFT72 platform.
Authentication: X-Shift-Signature


Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations which subscribe to certain events on your SHIFT72 platform. When one of those events is triggered, we’ll send a HTTP POST payload to the webhook’s configured URL. Webhooks can be used to be notified when an upload starts or is completed or be notified of certain ingestion events.

Currently, each webhook needs to be configured by SHIFT72. Once configured, they will be triggered each time one or more subscribed events occurs on your platform.


When configuring a webhook, you can choose which events you would like to receive payloads for. Only subscribing to the specific events you plan on handling is useful for limiting the number of HTTP requests to your server. Contact your SHIFT72 account manager to change the list of subscribed events.

Each event corresponds to a certain set of actions that can happen on your platform. For example, if you subscribe to the upload event you’ll receive detailed payloads every time an upload is started or completed.

The available events are:

Name Description
upload_started Any time an upload starts.
upload_completed Any time an upload completes.
ingestion_updated Any time the ingestion status is updated.
shopping_order_success Any time a shopping order completes successfully.


Each event type has a specific payload format with the relevant event information. HTTP requests made to your webhook’s configured URL endpoint will contain a special header of X-Shift-Signature which is a HMAC hex digest of the payload, using the hook’s secret as the key. Contact your SHIFT72 account manager to find out the secret used for your webhooks.

Summary: Triggered when the ingestion status is updated.
Authentication: X-Shift-Signature


Triggered when the ingestion status is updated.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
eventType string The event type. This will be set to ingestion_updated for this event.
notify string The internal url of the SHIFT72 API that was notified by the ingestion manager.
slug string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
publish bool The publish_after_ingestion flag set during the Upload Invite.
status string The overall status of the ingestion job. Can be one of: notstarted, started, encoding, packaging, completed, errored, cancelled.
updates array Array of the sub tasks within the ingestion job. See below for more details.

Response Parameters - Updates Array

Parameter Type Description
ingestion_uuid string The unique ID of the ingestion job.
package_output_id number The unique ID of the ingestion sub task.
drm_key_widevine string The drm key for Widevine DRM.
drm_key_playready string The drm key for PlayReady DRM.
drm_key_fairplay string The drm key for Fairplay DRM.
drms array of string DRM types. Can be one of: none, widevine, playready, widevine_classic.
content_encoding string Content encoding type. Can be one of trailer_mp4, sd_widevine_classic, sd_widevine_classic_download, dash_live_cenc, dash_cenc.
output_path string The relative path to where the content is stored.
status string The status of the ingestion sub task. Can be one of: queued, started, completed, errored.
width number The width of the media content.
height number The height of the media content.
bitrate number The bitrate of the media content.
error_message string The error message if the status is errored.
created_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was created.
updated_at string The ISO 8601 time and date the item was last updated.
source_url string The path/filename of the ingested file.


Ingestion Completed Notification for a Trailer of Film 176


Ingestion Completed Notification for Film 176

Summary: Triggered when the screener status is updated.
Authentication: X-Shift-Signature


Triggered when the screener status is updated.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
eventType string The event type. This will be set to screener_updated for this event.
token string The unique ID of the ingestion job.
slug string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
status string The overall status of the ingestion job. Can be one of: “in_progress”, “completed”, or “errored”.


Screener Updated Notification for Film 176


Screener Completed Notification for Film 176

Summary: Triggered when a shopping order successfully completes.
Authentication: X-Shift-Signature


Triggered when a shopping order successfully completes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
eventType string The event type. This will be set to shopping_order_success for this event.
userId number The user’s unique ID.
orderId number The unique order ID.
item string The slug of the item being purchased.
title string The title of the item being purchased.
amount number The price of the item being purchased.
currency string ISO 4217 currency code.
ownership string The ownership type that was requested, i.e. “buy” or “rent”.
quality string The quality. This will either be “hd” or “sd”.
external_id string The external_id stored in meta for this item.
external_id2 string The external_id2 stored in meta for this item.


Shopping Order Success Notification for User 99 Purchasing Film 176

  "title":"The Matrix",
Summary: Triggered when an upload completes.
Authentication: X-Shift-Signature


Triggered when an upload completes.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
eventType string The event type. This will be set to upload_completed for this event.
uploadToken string The upload token created when creating the Upload Invite.
slug string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
eventDatetime string The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the event was created.
status string The status of the Upload Invite.


Upload Completed Notification for Film 176

Summary: Triggered when an upload starts.
Authentication: X-Shift-Signature


Triggered when an upload starts.

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Description
eventType string The event type. This will be set to upload_started for this event.
uploadToken string The upload token created when creating the Upload Invite.
slug string The slug of the film or TV show and season.
eventDatetime string The date and time, in ISO 8601 format, when the event was created.
status string The status of the Upload Invite.


Upload Started Notification for Film 176
